Thursday, July 28, 2011

Know Thyself and BE HAPPY!

Interesting thing in 1998 when my husband and I separated. I decided to free wheel it for a while. At the time my cousin and I was living together as newly single women. We went dancing,  and to concerts and festivals sans (without) male, just my cousins and female friends. So here I am this beautiful woman and I am not interested in being with a man. My cousin, her exhusband, and friends, they all tried to fix me up with someone. No thanks! I said. What are you gay, are you a lesbian? No I am celibate. Celibate why?. Because at 37yrs old, I have been in some sort of relationship with a man or boy since I was 14 yrs old. That's 23 yrs of relationships. I only knew what those people liked or disliked. I knew nothing about myself. I said I didn't know me! What I wanted or what I liked or dislike. So who was I when I was with them. Whatever they wanted me to be. I am sorry to say. I had promised myself, I wouldn't do that, when I seen my aunts, sisters and friends lose themselves. I did just that! My celibacy was my way of regrouping, to find myself and know me. From knowing me I looked back and realized if I had known me then , I wouldn't have picked many of the relationships I had.

I BELIEVE! that we as a species, we spend too much time trying to be mated down. Trying to be with someone  Trying to please someone. We don't get to know ourselves when you start out young in a relationship.There are cultures that marry you  off young, some as early as 8,9, or 10yrs old. In our society our children are talking about boyfriends, and babies as early a 13yrs of age. That's too EARLY! We don't know who we are that early.No wonder there are so many divorces; especially in the relationships for couples in their 40s and 50s. You wake up and realize, HEY this AINT WHAT I ORDERED. IS IT?! IT AINT WHAT YOU WANTED!

IF I have any advise to our youths of today and (if they would listen to me)  is WAIT! You got plenty of time to be with someone. Take some time and get use to having a body flowing with hormones. Learn what you like, or dislike. Learn who you are and what you want to be. Know THYSELF!. That goes for the older people that had that UH-OHHHHH MOMENT!. I am so sorry TWO HALF human being don't make a WHOLE  being. It's just TWO HALF being togther. What good is that. TWO WHOLE being is sooooo muchhhh BETTER.



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